Best Venturi injectors in Kenya
Venturi injectors in Kenya

Venturi injectors in Kenya are devices that allow the effective introduction of fertilizers to crops through an irrigation system. With the best venturi injectors, your crops receive enough nutrients and increase production levels.

Best Fertilizer injectors by Aqua Hub Kenya

Aqua Hub Kenya has quality and sustainable modern farming solutions that ease input of water and fertilizers to crops.
Our venturi injectors are quality and effective devices that are affordable and readily available in Kenya.
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Components of a Venturi Injector System

  • Inlet Suction part
  • Outlet part
  • Suction tube

Specifications of Venturi Injectors

  •  Available in ¾” to 2” sizes
  • Flow rate of 0.75 m3 – 8m3/H
  • Works with a Pressure range of 0.5 – 10 bar.

Venturi injectors in Kenya

Features of Our Fertilizer Injectors

  • Maximum injector efficiency. The injector always works properly.
  • Suction capacity. The suction level is high as the inlet diameter of the suction pipe exceeds the diameter of the suction tube.
  • Consists of a rotor meter for recording measurements of fluid flow rates.

Reasons why you need a Venturi injector

  • Venturi injectors enhance fertilizers to reach the soil roots. Unlike manually adding fertilizers to crops, which at times may not settle on the plant line.
  • Use of venturi injectors allows faster absorption of fertilizers.
  • Irrigation water reaches the crops with dissolved fertilizers, thus reducing labour costs.
  • Minimum wastage of water and fertilizers as precision and supply through waterproof connections.
  • Less leaching and drying of crops due to optimal fertilizer levels.

How does a Venturi Injectors Works

As water moves along the pipe connected to the outlet of the venturi, pressure drops. This results in creation of a pressure difference between the suction part and outlet of the venturi.
Suction eventually occurs due to pressure difference and solvent fertilizer moves through the venture and enters the irrigation system.
It is suitable for drip irrigation and button drip irrigation since water moves precisely to the root zone of crops.

Choosing Venturi injectors in Kenya

When selecting a venturi injector, several factors must be considered as part of ensuring you get the right thing.


First, consider the working pressure of your irrigation system to help decide on the right size of injector. Difference in pressure affect suction and ratio of fertilizer fed into an irrigation system.

Size of the Injector

Consider the size of the venturi kit, to ensure it fits to the pipe connections. It must be able to connect to the supply pipes and fittings at the required point.


You might also need to consider the brand and suppliers to buy from. Choosing reputable suppliers and well-known brands makes it convenient to verify the effectiveness of your kits.

How to Install a Venturi Injector

  • Connect the threaded outlet part of the Venturi fertilizer injector to the mainline pipe.
  • Ensure the suction part or part with a filter goes to the tank.
  • Ensure you install the injector vertically (it should face up)

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Which Soluble Fertilizers to Supply with Venturi Kits?

  • NPK Fertilizer
  • Calcium Nitrate
  • Potassium Nitrate
  • Mono Potassium Phosphate
  • Urea (CAN)
  • Potassium Chloride

What are the Benefits of Venturi Injectors?

  • Supplies fertilizers at an equal dose per unit time from start to completion.
  • It allows control over fertilizers entering the pipeline.
  • Made of UV treated materials and hence less susceptible to UV radiation and damage from harsh conditions.
  • Fertilizer injectors are non-corrosive as they are entirely plastic materials and do not react with chemical fertilizer.
  • Has a check valve and prevents fertilizer from flowing back to the tank.
  • Available in various sizes to choose from.
  • They are easy to connect and use.
  • Cheap to acquire for your irrigation system.

Prices of Venturi Fertilizer Injectors in Kenya

Size price (KES)
25 mm  KES. 2,000
32 mm  KES. 3,000
50 mm  KES. 3,600
63 mm  KES. 4,500

Where to Buy Quality Venturi Injectors in Kenya

Aqua Hub Kenya
Call 0790719020 for installation and purchase 0f venturi injectors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Venturi injector used for?

To supply soluble fertilizers to crops via an irrigation system.

2. How do I choose a Venturi?

Consider the size and pressure rating of the injector. They should be suitable for an irrigation system.

3. What is the minimum Pressure for a Venturi?

0.5 bar

4. What are the different types of fertilizer injectors?

  • Tank injectors
  • Venturi injectors
  • Pump injectors.

5. What is the advantage of a Venturi?

It allows efficiency and balance in distribution of fertilizer to crops. Venturi Kits are devices that make work of applying input fertilizers easier. Once you install them, you can save on labor costs and time taken to apply fertilizers

6. What is the Working principle of a Venturi?

Venturi kits works under the principle of pressure difference in fluids.

7. Where can I buy quality Venturi Fertilizer Injectors in Kenya?

Aqua Hub Kenya

8. What are the sizes of Venturi Injectors?

Available from ½ to 3-inch sizes

9. What is the Cost of a fertilizer injector?

Price ranges from KES 2000 to KES 5000 depending on the size.


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