Commercial Solar Dryers in Kenya
Commercial Solar Dryers in Kenya

We are a reputable supplier of a premium assortment of commercial solar dryers in Kenya. Agricultural products are dried in East Africa using our commercial solar dryers. Commercial farmers in the area selling dried items to domestic and foreign markets have access to our solar dryers. The cover and structural framework of these dryers are materials suitable for human consumption.

They are also environmentally friendly, save electricity, and dry four to five times more quickly than open-air drainage. Our sun drying systems are an effective method of food preservation and a cost-effective approach to storing perishable items. The product, location, and drying volume for each session are also taken into consideration while designing our low-cost commercial solar dryer in Kenya. Depending on the needs of the customer, this stationary or mobile solar dryer for fruits and vegetables may be passive or active.

What are Commercial solar dryers in Kenya?

Commercial solar dryers are a type of solar dryer that is for drying various products such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and herbs. These dryers use solar energy to dry the products, which is a cost-effective and sustainable method of drying.

Commercial solar dryers come in a variety of designs, but most of them typically consist of a solar collector, a drying chamber, and a ventilation system. The solar collector captures the sun’s energy and converts it into heat, which is then applicable to dry the products. The drying chamber is where the products are placed to dry, and the ventilation system is used to circulate air through the chamber and remove excess moisture.

Commercial solar dryers can be applicable for a wide range of products including fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, and grains. They are widely applicable in agriculture, food processing, and other industries.

The cost of Commercial solar dryers in Kenya

Commercial solar dryer costs in Kenya vary according to the models and sizes. We have solar dryers of both metal and wood. The price of metallic solar dryers ranges from 80,000 to 110,000 Kenyan Shillings. In contrast, the price of a hardwood solar dryer is between Ksh 50,000 and Ksh 68,000.

Dimensions No. of Shelves Metallic Cost in Ksh.  Wooden Cost in Ksh.
1.5 m  x 1.5 m x 1m 3 80,000 49,000
2 m x 2 m x 1.5 m 3 100,000 58,000
3 m x 2 m x 2 m 3 110,000 67,000


What are the types of commercial solar dryers?

There are several types of commercial solar dryers available, each with its own unique design and features. Some of the most common types include:

  1. Box-Type Solar Dryers: These are the most common type of commercial solar dryers. They consist of a solar collector, a drying chamber, and a ventilation system. Box-type solar dryers are simple and cost-effective and are suitable for drying a wide range of products.
  2. Tray-Type Solar Dryers: These dryers consist of a solar collector and a tray system that holds the products that you are drying. The trays are exposed to the sun, and the products are dried by the sun’s energy. Tray-type solar dryers are suitable for small-scale operations and are easy to operate.
  3. Cabinet-Type Solar Dryers: These dryers consist of a solar collector and a cabinet-like structure that holds the products that you are drying. Cabinet-type solar dryers are suitable for small-scale operations and are easy to operate.
  4. Tunnel-Type Solar Dryers: These dryers consist of a solar collector and a tunnel-like structure that holds the products that you are drying. The tunnel is insulated to retain heat, and the products are dried by the sun’s energy. Tunnel-type solar dryers are suitable for large-scale operations and are more complex to operate.
  5. Hybrid Solar Dryers: These dryers consist of a combination of solar and other energy sources. They use both solar and conventional energy sources (such as electricity, gas or biomass) to dry the products. They can function even on cloudy days or when solar radiation is not sufficient.
  6. Multi-pass solar dryers: These dryers are designed to dry the product multiple times, increasing the drying efficiency and quality of the final product.

What are the benefits of commercial solar dryers?

Commercial solar dryers are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to dry various products such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and herbs. Here are some of the benefits of using commercial solar dryers:

  1. Cost-effective: Solar energy is a free, renewable energy source, which makes solar dryers a cost-effective option for drying products.
  2. Environmentally friendly: Solar dryers produce no emissions and do not contribute to climate change, making them an environmentally friendly option for drying products.
  3. Low maintenance: Solar dryers require minimal maintenance and are easy to operate.
  4. Versatile: Solar dryers can be used for a wide range of products, making them a versatile option for drying.
  5. Long lifespan: Solar dryers have a long lifespan and can be applicable for many years with proper maintenance.
  6. Can increase the shelf life of dried products.
  7. Can improve the quality of dried products.
  8. Can reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and electricity.

What are the characteristics of commercial solar dryers?

Commercial solar dryers typically have the following characteristics:

  • They dry large quantities of materials, such as agricultural products, in a short period of time.
  • They use solar energy as the primary source of heat, which helps to reduce costs and decrease the environmental impact of the drying process.
  • They often include features such as ventilation systems and temperature control to ensure that the drying process is efficient and consistent.
  • They may also have additional features such as humidity sensors, automatic control systems, and monitoring systems.
  • They are durable and easy to maintain and operate.
  • They are typically larger than household solar dryers.

The greatest and most appropriate dryers for commercial usage are available from Aqua Hub Kenya. Our dryers are mostly for drying fruits, vegetables, and other specialty goods. To get in touch with us, simply dial NAIROBI: 0790719020 or ELDORET: 0759372241.


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