Dam Liners Price in Kenya
Dam Liners Price in Kenya

Aqua Hub’s Dam Liners Price in Kenya is in a fair range for every client’s water needs satisfaction.

Our involvement in the supply and installation of High-Density Dam liners in various regions has made irrigation farming sustainable.

Find Out Whether You May Need a Dam Liner

Dam liners are useful in handling various water uses for domestic, commercial, or industrial purposes.

  • Constant Water Availability – laying a Dam liner on your water pan will ensure water remains to sustain irrigation.
  • Water Storage Option – Lining water pans is a smart idea to collect rainwater and prevent wastage. Rainwater could be useful during future shortages.
  • Prevents floods – in large community projects, dams could be laid with dam liners to prevent water from leaking or breaking the dams. It therefore averts the dangers of floods.
  • Reducing Cost of Irrigation and Water Needs – By harvesting water, dam liners reduce the cost of water bills. You access free rainwater and end up saving on production costs.
  • Protects the environment – Dam liners lower the chances of soil erosion on the beds of water pans. Control over water collection also prevents the action of rainwater on bare land.

Dam Liners Price and Specifications

Our Dam liners price in Kenya range from KES 200 to 450 mm as per the gauge size.


  • Available in thickness sizes of 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.75mm and 1 mm.
  • Full standard roll sizes of 8 x 50 m.
  • Black in Material color
  • Materials consist of HDPE plastic polymers.

Choose the Right Dam Liners for Irrigation Water Pans

Whether you choose a low or high-thickness gauge, a common factor to guide you is the cost, efficiency and strength.

Our Dam Liners provide a technical solution by enhancing superior performance, environmental safety, and cost-effectiveness.

With our convenient Dam Liners Price in Kenya, you can trust that your investment is robust and complies with the highest standards.

Want Quality Dam Liners?

We recommend a dam liner type and measurement as per the response to the following questions :

  • What is the size of your dam?
  • What is the intended use of the dam (e.g., water storage, fishpond)?
  • What is your location?

What Affects Dam Liners Price in Kenya

The design or specifications of dam liners in Kenya represent their thickness, density, and durability or effectiveness.
While various sizes or gauges are available, dam liners price in Kenya varies with gauge sizes.

For higher thickness sizes, durability, density, and efficiency are also higher. Lower gauges have a lower durability and density as well.

How to Acquire a Perfect Dam Liner for Your Water Pan

Shape of the Dam matters – There is much consideration of the shape of your water pan when finding a proper liner. The surface area of the liner should match the dam.

Thickness level – The strength of a liner depends on the thickness level and should be another thing to consider.

Soil Properties – the permeability or porosity of the soil determines the gauge or liner thickness level. Highly porous soil requires a higher thickness size to enhance lower chance of leakage.

Water Needs – Your water needs also determine what size of the water pan you build and the liner you need to secure it.

Application – As per the intended use of your dam liner, some applications require higher gauges. For instance, sewage treatment plants may require more tensile gauges.

Common Uses of a Dam Liner

Dam Liners Price in Kenya


  1. For water collection and storage in small, medium, and large water pans.
  2. Pond lining in fish farming areas
  3. As primary lining materials in waste supply canals
  4. Liners are applicable for covering leaking gas mines
  5. Key lining materials for sewage pits and concrete tanks.
  6. Road Construction purposes.

Best Dam Liners for Affordable Prices in Kenya

Aqua Hub Kenya

Reach out, 0790719020

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