How to use Rain Hose Irrigation
How to use Rain Hose Irrigation

Rain Hose irrigation systems need to be installed perfectly and accurately to deliver accurate crop water delivery rate and production results.

Rain Hose Irrigation

Cost of Setting Up Rain Hose Irrigation

The farm size matters, depending on the acreage. The cost also differs according to the diameter and spacing of rain hose pipes. For an acre of land, using 32 mm rain hose pipes, you require about 10 rolls of length 50 m each.

Which Rain Hose Pipes to Use?

The best diameter of a rain hose pipe to work with is 32 mm. It has a spray radius of above 3m and can work under a pressure of 3 bars.

Things to Consider for Proper use of Rain Hose Irrigation


Place or lay your rain hose pipe along the area or section to irrigate. Make sure you position the rain hose pipes parallel to the plant lines. This layout enhances physical movement, ease of disconnection, weeding and water supply consistency. The pipes also require being near plant lines.


Rainhose Connectors in Kenya

Connect one end of the rain hose pipe to the water source.

Use appropriate connectors and fittings at the right place or pipe section. Choosing the right connectors, in terms of size and quality is important to ensure a perfect and durable rain hose irrigation system.


The rain hose pipe works at different pressure rates depending on the size. Always use a pump of 3 bars unless it is a 25mm rain hose which can work under gravity.

Duration of Irrigation

The required rate of irrigation should be considered to save water. Depending on weather conditions and plant water requirements, manufacturers have a set rate and duration of irrigation.

Quality of Irrigation Water

Check the content of irrigation water you are using to know the type of filters to use.

How to Maintain Rain Hose Irrigation systems

Rain hose irrigation should be checked regularly to ensure no damages to mainline and delivery hose pipes.
The pipes should be monitored to check for clogged or busted pipes.

Benefits of Using Rain Hose Irrigation

  • Rain hose is easier to install and maintain. The requirements are few and less costly as compared to drip irrigation.
  • Rain hose pipes irrigates both sides of a farm hence reducing the number needed.
  • It enhances adequate water supply to plants. The methods wet the ground faster and to avail enough moisture on the soil.
  • There is a balance in water that reaches each plant along the plant lines due to the distribution of nano holes along the pipe.

Rain Pipe Prices in Kenya

Size Length Price (KES)
32mm 50m      3,500.00
40mm 50m      5,500.00
50mm 50m      7,500.00

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