Tree Tomato Farming in Kenya
Tree Tomato Farming in Kenya

Tree tomato farming in Kenya is gaining traction in Kenya since it flourishes in subtropical climates. This is due to the fruit’s great demand in both the fresh fruit and juice markets. Tree tomatoes may be grown in Kenya in areas such as Western Kenya, Nyanza, Central Kenya, Taita Taveta, and the Rift Valley. You must till your land two to three months before planting. Tree tomatoes require enough watering at least once each week. A water tank or other source of water for irrigation is important during the dry season. Tamarillo (tree tomato) production is always a definite thing. It is an easy plant to produce, the seeds are cheap, and the fruits are very marketable both locally and internationally. This is done so that people can get the nutritional and health benefits of tree tomatoes.

What is a tree tomato?

The tamarillo is a novel tomato to add to your home garden if you’re sick of planting the same old garden-type tomatoes year after year. The little, oval-shaped fruit of these plants is known as the tree tomato. They resemble small roma or plum tomatoes in appearance. The tamarillo tree, a member of the nightshade family, has a semi-woody trunk and fragrant pink blossoms. They can be raised as a shrub or a small trees.

Depending on the kind you cultivate, the tamarillo fruits can be any color from yellow to red to dark purple. Flowers and fruit dangle from the tree’s lateral branches, which often form a single erect trunk. The blooms are pink-white and come in clusters of 10 to 50, and the leaves are big, simple, and perennial with a strong fragrant fragrance. Per cluster, they can yield 1 to 6 fruits.

What are the varieties of tree tomatoes in Kenya?

Tamarillo comes in a wide variety, and new ones are developed every year. To boost hardiness, agriculturalists are experimenting with several hybrid kinds. The two most popular tamarillo kinds are red and yellow. You would find these two types in a nursery. Taste is the main distinction between the two. Both are worth cultivating because they taste well.

The reds are tangy-tart, while the yellowish-orange is sweeter. There are recipes for either one, depending on your tastes. When planted in a container at 6.5 feet, tamariskoes can be maintained smaller and grow to reach between 6.5 and 16 feet (2-5 meters) tall by 6.5 feet (2 meters) broad (2 meters). The fruit is oval in form and grows to a length of 1.5 to 4 inches (4 to 10 cm).

What is the irrigation requirement for tree tomato farming in Kenya?

Tamarindo plants are vulnerable to drought. Water scarcity limits plant growth, fruit size, and agricultural yield. Tamarindo plants require watering during dry spells and periods of maximum development. Drip irrigation is commonly used to give water straight to the roots while leaving foliage and fruits dry to minimize diseases. However, the irrigation strategy you pick will be determined by the economic and physical conditions of your local location.

It requires plenty of water. It cannot thrive in areas where there is a prolonged drought. Consider planting in an area with enough water. Each plant will require at least 20 liters of water every week. You may add mulch to your crops to keep them wet.

What is the suitable type of irrigation for tree tomatoes?

Tree tomatoes or tamarillo are irrigated in Kenya using rain hose irrigation systems, rain gun sprinklers, or button drippers. Aqua Hub can advise farmers in East Africa on how to irrigate tamarillo or tomato trees. These range in size from small one-acre plots to massive fruit tree farms encompassing hundreds of acres. When choosing one, choose an irrigation method that will not cause tree tomato illnesses by leaving moisture on the leaves. The distance between tomato trees determines how any irrigation system is built out in Kenya. Commercial farmers of tree tomatoes in Kenya typically employ irrigation to produce them.


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