7 Reasons to Install Wooden Greenhouses In Kenya
Wooden Greenhouses in Kenya

Wooden Greenhouses in Kenya are less preferable than metallic or steel greenhouses in terms of durability. However, they can be perfect choices for low-income greenhouse farmers or beginners.

The total cost of materials and installation of a wooden greenhouse meets the budget of beginners. Dimensions are available from as low as 8 x 15 m which is a good option to start with.

Wooden Greenhouses also present numerous benefits that enhance propagation in some climate conditions.

7 Reasons for Installation of Wooden Greenhouses in Kenya

Low Cost of Materials and Installation

Wooden Greenhouses are made up of cheap and readily available timber. The structure consists of wooden poles and frames on the support wall and the entire roof.

Even though the covering material requires wooden polythene covers, you save a lot using wooden poles.

Ease of Repair and Expansion

Structures made of woodwork are often attached with nails or tapping screws. It makes it easier to detach and repair them in cases of damage or rotten poles.

Should the need for expansion arrive, just detach one side of the greenhouse, and fix the expansion poles.

Resistance to Damage from Heavy Rains and winds

Structures made from strong timber and poles are hard to break or fall during heavy rains and winds. Wooden poles are heavy and cannot fall in heavy storms if firmly laid to the ground, especially with cement and ballast.

Ease of Access to Wooden Poles

Timber and wood materials are always available at low prices compared to steel bars. Therefore, it takes a short time to access and install your wooden greenhouse.

Ability to Make them Long Lasting

Wooden greenhouses are viable to maintain a long duration of excellent performance. This is made possible through painting or treatment of wooden poles before using them for your greenhouse structure.

Good for Remote Areas

Due to inconveniences such as lack of electricity, it may be hard to install metallic greenhouses at remote places. Wooden poles are available, and you can build a good stable structure that will solve your growing needs.

Provides support to Crop Structures and Misting Kits

Wooden Structures make it easier to tie crop structures, and hooks for pipes and misting kits.

What Wooden Greenhouse Size Do You Prefer?

To get the best size to settle with, consider the available space, cost, and time or schedule of your routine.

Standard or custom sizes are a good match for you so long as you can balance your time well to highly manage your greenhouse farm.

Standard sizes are available in length and width dimensions of 8 x 15 m, 8 x 24 m, 8 x 30 m, 16 x 24 m, 16 x 30 and 16 x 40 m.

Your cost or budget should also factor in as well because it concludes the option available for you.

Wooden Greenhouses in Kenya

Cost of Standard Wooden Greenhouses in Kenya

Our ideal sizes are worth different costs as per the unique size in dimensions of length and width.

Size Cost (KES)
 (8 x 15) Meters 165,000
 (8 x 24) Meters 180,000
 (8 x 30) Meters 240,000
 (8 x 45) Meters 390,000

Installers and Suppliers of Wooden Greenhouses in Kenya

Get Smart Wooden Greenhouses Plans in Kenya from Aqua Hub  for a worthy price. Our architecture resonates well with your valuable crops.

Call 0790719020


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