Micro Sprinklers for Irrigating Vegetables
micro sprinklers

Micro sprinklers are the best options for watering vegetables considering the shallow root system in most of them.

Micro Sprinkler Heads Price in Kenya

The cost of micro sprinklers ranges from KES 200 to KES 500 depending on the size and type. All types are available at Aqua Hub Kenya, the best irrigation systems dealer in Kenya.

Call 0790719020

Comparing Operation Cost: Micro Sprinklers Vs Drip Irrigation

The cost of using micro sprinklers is higher than drip irrigation but worth providing adequate water for high requirements in vegetables.

The cost of purchasing and installing micro sprinklers is lower than drip irrigation. They are effective for small garden areas where vegetables are often grown.

Vegetables to Irrigate with Micro Sprinklers

  • Carrots
  • Cauliflowers
  • Cabbage
  • Green Peas
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Coriander
  • Green Chilies
  • Radish
  • Turnip
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Ginger

What are the Aspects or Features of Micro Sprinkler Systems?

  • Can be dismantled at any time to allow for harvest or during times of repair or adjustments.
  • They ensure an even supply of water and flow into the soil.
  • Works at a low pressure rating of 0.98 – 1.4 bar.
  • Irrigation Spray radius can reach a maximum of 3 M.
  • Micro sprinklers conduct rotational irrigation at angles of 90, 180, and 360 degrees.

Components of Micro Sprinkler Systems

  • Micro sprinkler systems consist of a network of pipes with micro sprays supported by stakes.
  • Water timers to enhance the automation of the system.
  • Other components include water filters, connectors and fittings, and water pumps.
  • Microtubing to supply water from the mainline irrigation supply system.
  • Micro sprinkler heads with nozzles
  • Pressure regulators for monitoring and controlling the pressure of the system.
  • Sprinkler controllers may be a requirement if you are running an automated system. The controller works in coordination with solenoid valves to trigger the function of each micro sprinkler head.

How do Micro Sprinklers work?

Micro sprinklers release a jet of water sprays to the ground at a light no-effect force. The force at which the sprays fall on the vegetable leaves does not affect or harm the crops.

Water infiltrates the soil while wetting a large area in a shorter time compared to other irrigation methods.

Depending on where you want to use them, be it a greenhouse environment or an open field the mode of application varies.

In the greenhouse, the micro sprinklers are placed upside down hanging from the roof to provide humidity and prevent frost.

On open fields, it offers overhead sprinkler irrigation to crops that are resistant to fungal infections.

Recommended Spacing for Micro Sprinklers

To ensure no dry patches remain during irrigation, install them in a manner that they overlap. This can be done by reducing the spacing by at least 0.5 m from the combined spray radius of two micro sprinklers.

For instance, if the spray radius of a micro sprinkler is 1.5 M then the spacing to the next one will be;

(Spray radius of sprinkler A + Spray radius of sprinkler B) – 0.5 M

(1.5 + 1.5) – 0.5 = 2.5 M

Therefore, the spacing should be 2.5 M.

How to Install Micro Sprinklers in Vegetable Gardens

Installation ways may vary depending on whether it is a simple or automated irrigation system. The procedure of installing a simple manually operated micro sprinkler system includes;

  1. Lay and connect the mainline supply pipes around the area to install the micro-sprinkler heads
  2. Cut the main supply pipe and install branching connections using suitable elbow, tee, or other suitable fittings.
  3. Make holes in the branches of the mainline supply pipe to allow for the connection of micro-sprinkler tubes.
  4. Insert a micro tube adapter in the holes and connect a micro tube pipe.
  5. Connect the other end of the micro spray tube to the inlet of the micro-sprinkler head.
  6. Finish the installation by turning on the system and testing for leaking parts in the micro-sprinkler heads.

Other Applications of Micro Sprinklers

Irrigation of Orchards

micro sprinklers

Easy way of delivering adequate flow rates to individual trees on a line. The system offers the flexibility to increase or reduce the flow rate needed for crop irrigation.

Irrigation of flat to uneven landscapes

micro sprinklers

To provide even irrigation in uneven landscapes, micro sprinklers are ideal because the pressure effect drives water sprays uphill.

Greenhouse irrigation and temperature control

To lower heat buildup in greenhouse environments, various types of micro sprinklers and misters can be used. In addition to temperature control, they are also ideal for overhead irrigation of some greenhouse crops.

For installations, purchases and inquiries;

Reach Us at 0790719020


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